Kebun Baru Void Deck WiFi Project

The Kebun Baru Void Deck WiFi project is a pilot programme for free wifi that Beyond Social Services has launched as part of its efforts to help bridge the digital divide in Singapore. The programme aims to provide access to the internet for the low-income community in Singapore, particularly those living in government rental flats. This will help to even the playing field between the low income and the high income communities and enable more equal opportunities in education and employment.

Starting with Blk 244 and 245 at Kebun Baru as a pilot, free wifi will be enabled at the void decks, which will subsequently be transformed to provide both a study and elderly corner to benefit the youths and elderly. Why void decks - because we believe that the void deck is a space where people connect within their community and it is where this amenity can be most easily accessed.

Bridge the Digital Divide is pleased to partner with Beyond Social Services for this pilot programme.